There are many reasons to look into getting larger breeds of goats.
They often produce more milk and meat than smaller breeds.
Giant goat breeds are also fantastic at clearing unwanted brush and keeping overgrown land under control quickly and easily.
If you have the space to keep them, there are many benefits to getting magnificently big goat breeds.
Let’s look into 8 unique large goat breeds to add to your farm.
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ToggleIbex Goats
Ibex goats are easily distinguished by their large recurved horns.
They are commonly found in Eurasia, North America, and East Africa.
While many refer to the Ibex as a breed of goat, it is more accurately a species of which there are many Ibex breeds of goats.
Ibex goats are tall, with a range of 27-43″ inches tall.
Ibex bucks are typically taller than the does.
The growth rate of their horns lasts their entire life, so Ibex also have very impressive horns.
They are one of the largest goat breeds.
A mature Ibex has an average size of anywhere from 200-270 pounds.
Ibex are most commonly found in the wild but are hunted and kept for meat goats.
Certain parts of the Ibex are also used for medicinal purposes.
Kalahari Goats
The Kalahari is a large breed of goat originally from South Africa.
They are commonly confused with the Boer goat but are considerably more vicious in temperament and tend to be more aggressive goats.
Due to their large size, they are commonly kept as meat goats.
The height of the Kalahari goat varies by sex but has an average size of 31″ inches when fully grown.
This large and often reddish-colored goat weighs between 65 and 110 kg at full size.
Like many other breeds of domestic goat, the male buck is the larger of the sexes, with the does weighing closer to the lower end of the weight spectrum.
Kalahari goats are kept for meat production.
The large meat goat breed produces a lot of goat meat per animal due to its magnificent size.
Savanna Goats
Savanna goats are white body goats of large size.
The Savanna goat is often an all-white goat, making them very popular for meat production.
They are hardy and well-structured goats with strong muscular systems and extreme adaptability to diverse climates and environments.
The Savanna breed of goats is taller than most other domestic goat breeds.
Typically, the height range for this goat breed is between 19-24″ inches.
The average size of a Savanna goat is 125-250 pounds at maturity.
Does typically range between 125-200 lbs, while bucks have an average size of 200-250 lbs.
Savannas are primarily kept for meat.
They are not mainly known for their milk production, but they produce thick, creamy milk for their young.
Alpine Goats
The Alpine goats are one of the more common goat breeds.
They are large and come in a wide variety of colors.
Alpine dairy goats are very commonly kept among farmers.
Alpine goats typically measure about 30-40″ inches in height for adult goats.
These prolific dairy goats weigh between 135-220 lbs at maturity.
Alpine goats are celebrated for their milk production but make excellent meat goats.
Their large size makes them prolific dual-purpose goats for any herd.
Angora Goats
Angora goats are famous for the beautiful fibers of their coats.
You’ll find Angora yarn and fibers in many clothing items.
It is originally a Turkish breed but is kept worldwide by goat farmers and homesteaders.
Related Reading: Long-haired Goat Breeds With Pictures
The average size of an Angora goat is about 42″ inches in height.
Typically, Angora goats reach weights of about 200 lbs at maturity.
Like other breeds of goats, the male bucks will be significantly larger than the female does.
Angora goats are more often than not kept for their hair.
Their coats are often called mohair or Angora and are coveted for their softness and durability for fiber arts and clothing items.
Boer Goats
Boer goats are a common breed kept in many countries worldwide.
They are originally from South Africa but are very popular worldwide today.
In South Africa, they were selectively bred to increase their size for meat production, making them one of the largest breeds of goats.
On average, Boer goats measure about 31″ inches for full-grown adult goats.
Mature Boer goats weigh between 200-300 lbs, with bucks weighing more than does.
Boer goats are primarily kept for meat production due to their massive size.
Recently, the Boer has become a popular companion animal due to their gentle demeanor.
Mountain Goats
Mountain goats are epic and majestic creatures.
Watching these graceful and skilled animals scale the sides of mountains and cliffs as they balance and jump to and from tiny ledges is so intriguing.
In addition to their impressive agility, they are one of the largest goat breeds.
Mountain goats measure around 35-40″ inches in height for full-grown adults.
At full size, mountain goats weigh between 132 and 220 lbs.
Mountain goats are typically not kept in any sort of farm situation.
They are hunted in some places for their meat and hides.
Some cultures also use parts of mountain goats for ceremonial purposes.
Kiko Goats
The Kiko goat is another magnificently large breed of goat.
They are originally from New Zealand but have also made a name for themselves in the United States.
This large goat is celebrated for its parasite resistance and maternal instincts.
Kiko goats are tall and measure at about 26-37″ inches in height when fully grown.
Kiko goats weigh between 125-200 lbs when they are fully grown.
As is typical for goat breeds, the males weigh much more than the females.
Kiko goats are an excellent dual-purpose goat breed, making them very popular for homesteads.
They produce both milk and meat very well.
Many are drawn to the Kiko goat because of its natural resistance to parasites which makes them much lower maintenance and significantly more hardy than other goat breeds.
Read next: How many goats to clear an acre?
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