As any backyard duck owner will tell you, ducks are omnivorous animals, meaning they can eat both plant and animal food sources.
They need a balanced diet, but it is fun to give them treats once in a while.
If you have some grapes at home, it’s only natural to wonder how your ducks will handle them.
Ducks love fresh grapes as a delicious source of antioxidants, calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and fiber. They must eat them in moderation, as grapes are also high in sugar. Grapes should always be ripe to avoid digestive issues.
While suitable as a nutritious snack, grapes are not a food staple for these aquatic birds like algae, grasses, hays, grains, and seeds.
Washed, whole grapes should be cut in half to prevent choking as ducks swallow their food whole.
To find out more about feeding ducks, keep reading!
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ToggleWhy Grapes Are A Healthy Snack For Ducks
Grapes contain good amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals ducks need to fight off illness and stay healthy.
Fiber-rich foods such as grapes help keep your pet’s digestive system running smoothly.
Although they are a healthy snack, grapes and other treats should make up less than 10% of your duck’s daily diet.
Remember to feed your bird a wide variety of other healthy fruits and veggies as well as grasses, hays, grains, and seeds, to ensure they get all the fiber and healthy nutrients they need.
Make sure your pets always have fresh water and a source of clean grit available to help with digestion.
If you are concerned about your animal’s overall nutrition, feed them food specially formulated for adult ducks rather than trying to balance out their food yourself.
Ducklings may also be fed grapes, mashed, and with seeds removed.
Can Ducks Eat Green Grapes?
Regarding the color of the grape, ducks can happily eat red and green grapes as a nutritious treat.
If by green you are referring to unripe grapes, the answer is no.
Unripe grapes contain citric acid and cause nausea and diarrhea in your duck.
For this same reason, feeding your duck citrus fruits is not a good idea, either.
Citrus fruits will cause stomach upset and interfere with calcium absorption.
Can Wild Ducks Eat Grapes?
Wild ducks can eat ripe grapes or anything domestic ducks can eat, but it is best to feed them as close to what they would forage on their own as possible or nutritious duck food pellets.
Do not feed them bread, popcorn, donuts, chips, and other processed, junky foods as they are too sugary, salty, and fatty and can cause digestive issues and malnutrition.
They can choke on popcorn kernels, and the popcorn can rot in their stomach.
Are Grapes Safe for Chickens and Ducks?
Chickens and ducks both love grapes.
As with ducks, you may feed grapes to chickens in moderation.
Grapes must be washed free of pesticides, unmoldy, and cut in half to prevent choking.
Grapes provide essential nutrients and are a healthy snack for chickens and many animals, except dogs.
Chicken lovers will also enjoy feeding their animals a variety of proteins, grains, grasses, seeds, fruits, and vegetables, just as they would ducks.
Can Ducks Eat Raisins?
Ducks can eat raisins, but as they are high in sugar, they should only be an occasional treat.
As a dried fruit, raisins are high in minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates (dietary fiber, starch, and sugars), and minimal fats and proteins.
Raisins also contain minerals such as:
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Iron
- Potassium
- Iron
- Zinc
- Copper
- Manganese
- Selenium
- Fluoride
Ducks often have trouble eating dry foods, so if you notice they are having problems eating raisins, soften them in water before giving them to your birds.
Adding raisins to their water trough also makes a fun treat for when they are bored.
What Is the Best Food to Feed Ducks?
Foods wild ducks would forage on their own are the best choice, but backyard ducks enjoy quite a variety of foods.
Backyard ducks enjoy fruits, vegetables, grains, and meat (or fish) as well as their layer pellets.
Feeding your ducks different foods is healthy and makes their eggs more nutritious.
Ducks enjoy kitchen and garden scraps, enabling you to waste less.
Weeds, cut grass, lettuce, chard, and so on are fine to give in unlimited amounts.
Related Post: Is Watermelon Good For Ducks?
What Foods Should I Not Feed Ducks?
Do not feed your ducks moldy or spoiled food; wilted, bruised, or bug-eaten produce is fine.
Mold and bacteria from spoilage are toxic to your duck.
Avoid feeding your duck spinach as it may interfere with calcium absorption and cause health issues such as soft-shelled eggs and egg binding.
Whole grains are a better snack for ducks than white grains and salty, sugar-laden, or fatty products, as they will make your duck overweight and put too much strain on their legs.
Soft, white bread can lead to impacted crops, killing your duck.
Ducks can eat so much salt they overdose on it and die.
Avoid feeding your birds whole nuts or large seeds, as they can cause choking and won’t digest them well.
What Are Some Treats for Ducks?
Ducks love snacks to supplement their layer feed.
Be sure to wash produce thoroughly to rid it of pesticides.
Some great nutritious treat ideas are:
- Cut up veggies or fruit floating in their water tub
- A mashed-up variety of fruits and/or vegetables to make a slurry
- Sliced grape halves mixed with other sliced fruits and corn kernels, like a fruit salad
- Frozen peas (this is a great summer snack for humans, too!)
- Sprouted grains are a healthy treat
- A protein source such as scrambled eggs, mealworms, bugs, feeder fish, cooked meat leftovers, lobster or shrimp shells
Avoid members of the nightshade family such as tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, rhubarb, tomatillos, and ground cherries, as they are toxic for ducks.
Iceberg lettuce is harmless but devoid of any real nutrition, so if you must feed it, feed it in limited amounts.
Further Reading: Our massive list of treats for ducks
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