Guide to the Nachis Goat Breed

Nachi goats are unique and very popular in Pakistan and the Middle East. 

They have a unique natural gait often compared to dancing. 

This earns them the name of the dancing goats. 

In addition to their entertaining jigs, Nachis make an excellent goat breed for any farm. 

Nachi goats are known as the dancing goat breed. They make great dual-purpose goats but are most known for their unique dancing gait. The gait is due to a natural genetic trait altering how they walk. Nachis are celebrated for their entertaining and distinguished walking style.

Nachis are a fantastic breed of beautiful goats. 

In our guide to the Nachis goat breed, let’s look into this unique animal. 

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What Makes Nachi Goats So Special?

With so many sheep and goat breeds, it takes a lot to stand out. 

The Nachi goat breed makes it look easy. 

Their unique dancing gait results from a genetic trait and is sure to make any goat farmer smile when they see their herd. 

The Nachi goat displays a dance-like trot as it walks, which is very different from other goat types. 

The dancing gait is unique in the goat community. 

This Pakistani goat breed receives lots of attention and recognition at goat competitions for its special walking style. 

We’re sure a Nachi goat will add a little style and elegance to any goat tribe. 

Further Reading: Pakistan goat breeds list (with pictures)

What Do Nachi Goats Look Like?

Before farmers get any livestock for sheep and goat production, they typically like to get an idea of what they look like. 

Nachi Goats are most easily distinguished by their walk from other goat varieties, but they have a specific look. 

This makes them easily identifiable as well. 

Let’s look into some common traits to understand what Nachi goats look like. 


Most goats of the Pakistani Nachi goat breed have a primary hair color of black. 

Other color varieties are recognized in the breed, but this is the predominant variation. 

Like other sheep and goat production animals, they have quite a few different colorings. 

Gray hair has become more popular as breeders have kept this coloring in fashion. 

There are instances of multi-colored Nachi goats from time to time. 

There have also been some instances where purple Nachi goats have been observed, but this is very uncommon. 


While Pakistani goat breeds come in many different shapes and sizes, Nachi goats are generally considered one of the giant breeds of goats in this region. 

They are often very tall, about 39″ inches (98 cm) for male Nachi bucks. 

The female Nachi is usually a bit smaller. 

For competitions and show purposes, many breeders seek out taller Nachi goats as it helps accentuate their gait. 

Most competition judges do not want to see slender goats. 

It is best to have a Nachi goat of a healthy weight for competitions and shows as this is considerably more desirable for judges. 

Nachi goats are long, which is another desirable trait for exhibition goats. 

A single goat of the Nachi breed measures about 31″ inches (80 cm) for does. 

Male bucks of this unique breed measure about 4″ inches (10 cm) longer than the females. 

Distinguished Features

While their walk is the most distinguishable feature of the Pakistani breed of Nachi goats, other features make them easily identifiable. 

They tend to have a shorter coat than other breeds of goats but not as short as other Pakistani breeds like the Beetal. 

Nachi goats have longer hair than other breeds from the country, like the Kaghani, Gulabi, and Jattal goats.

Nachi goats get a haircut annually when the weather starts to get warmer and temperatures are rising. 

For competition and show purposes, it is best to keep the coats short in length, but it is not necessarily a coat bias when judging the animals. 

Some competitions will set parameters on coat length for the Nachi goats when they compete, but otherwise, it is not very important to the judges. 

What Is The Temperament Of Nachi Goats?

When keeping goats or considering adding one to your household or farm, it is very helpful to know the temperament and personality of the animal. 

Nachi goats are considered to be very high-energy. 

They are robust in stature and strength. Compared to other breeds of goat, the Nachis are sturdy and elegant. 

This added strength gives their gait a certain level of elegance and grace not typically found in the ways other goats move around. 

It is important to note how males of the Nachi goat breed tend to be very assertive. 

This dominant behavior sometimes leads to scuffles and fights in the pen. 

The reasoning is the male goat’s desire to compete for supremacy and breeding privileges in the herd. 

Like many other goat breeds, the Nachis love to graze on pasture. 

This helps reduce stress and diversify their diet. 

Many goat owners observe Nachis to particularly love the practice of roaming and foraging through brush and other plants on the farm for extra snacks and treats. 

What Are Nachi Goats Kept For?

While Nachi goats are primarily kept for show, competition, and entertainment purposes, they also offer other uses. 

Some goat farmers keep this goat for meat consumption, although this is uncommon. 

The Pakistani goat breed falls under the category of giant goat breeds. 

However, they are not commonly kept for meat consumption like many other sheep and goat breeds. 

They are often slaughtered for their raw meat once they reach older ages. 

At this point, the Nachi goat loses its strength and endurance for dancing and showing off its skills. 

This is usually when Nachi goats are slaughtered for their muscle meat for consumption. 

Nachi goats also produce a lot of hair. 

During the warmer summer months, they get a full shear, and the hair cut-off is used to create fibers for clothes and other goods. 

They are not as useful as other goat varieties in milk and meat production, but they will still produce a small amount of meat for families to eat. 

Related: Magnificently Big Goat Breeds (With Pictures)

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Growing up amidst the sprawling farms of the South, Wesley developed a profound connection with farm animals from a young age. His childhood experiences instilled in him a deep respect for sustainable and humane farming practices. Today, through, Wesley shares his rich knowledge, aiming to inspire and educate others about the joys and intricacies of rural life.

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